How To Cook
Preparing Prawns: We recommend processing your prawns as soon as possible once you get them home. The spot prawn brain contains an enzyme that will begin spreading as soon as it dies. This may negatively affect the quality of your prawns by making the flesh too mushy.
Live spot prawns are best cooked immediately. Keep them cool and get them home within a few hours.
Remove the tails as soon as possible (see tutorial video below) You can then leave the tails in a bowl in the fridge until you are ready to cook. We recommend cooking tails within 24 hours if refrigerated.
If you prefer to leave the heads on, we recommend putting them in a bowl in the fridge until you are ready to cook. If you are not cooking them the same day, we recommend freezing your prawns.
DO NOT leave your prawns in a pool of water – this includes melted ice! Fresh water will kill live prawns.
There are so many ways to enjoy BC Spot Prawns – boiled, steamed, the list goes on. Our family favourite is sautéed prawns in either Garlic Butter or Sweet Chili Sauce. Do not overcook the prawns. They only need a couple minutes total when being sautéed. When their translucent flesh starts to turn white on one side (approx. 1.5 minutes) flip them over until the other side turns white (approx. 1 minute). That’s when you’ll know your prawns are ready to be enjoyed.
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